—— 本篇文章為《小花計畫2022-Re:小花盛開的回音》作品介紹 ——
XiaoDingDang in My Dreams
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣
EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang
Interactive multimedia installation, XiaoDingDang in My Dreams, is co-created by music band EggPlantEgg and artist Cowper Wang. EggPlantEgg interprets their nostalgia for childhood cartoon animations in the song, expressing the idea that “childhood cartoons are always more enjoyable!” This song by EggPlantEgg draws inspiration from childhood imagination in memory that enables one to see the world from a fun-inducing perspective and become aware that time can never be turned back.
Memory has always unexpectedly snuck upon us. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams unfolds a projection of the past. A photograph, a video clip or an audio segment is integrated into the space and with the flow of time, overlapping with each other and oblivion. What would the fluid memory be like if it could be seen? Cowper Wang views the space as a gigantic scanner, for which he installs a house door” that ironically cannot be opened, symbolizing that time is always moving forward in one direction and only allows exiting but not entering. Meanwhile, he sets up a video camera looking through the peephole, secretly viewing the crowd outside the door and documenting the traces created by people going through this space manifested as irregular layers. They sometimes form concrete images, and are sometimes showed as dispersing, disappearing traces. Projected into the space, the visible memories flee in all directions and create a surreal scene with their morphing, distorting, floating and fluid existence, outlining the connection between memories and emotions.
※ 展場注意事項:(1) 此為互動式作品,您可戴上耳機、站在任意門前,隨著音樂律動,融入作品中,留下獨一無二的記憶軌跡。 (2) 提醒您,因耳機為垂掛式,聽完後請輕輕放至原位,避免擺盪過大造成危險。
文字提供:台北當代藝術館 Provided by MoCA Taipei
《我夢見了小叮噹》XiaoDingDang in My Dreams
時間 Time|4分05秒 4min05sec
媒材 Medium|多媒體互動裝置Interactive Multimedia Installation
尺寸 Size|尺寸因空間而異Dimensions Variable
年份 Year|2019
音樂製作團隊 Music Production
詞 Lyrics|黄奇斌 Ki-pin Ng
曲 Composer|蔡鎧任 A-ren Tsai、黄奇斌 Ki-pin Ng
演唱 Artist|茄子蛋 EggPlantEgg
製作 Producer|鍾濰宇 Yu
主要錄音Main Recording|鍾濰宇 Yu @ 89 studio
編曲 Arranger|茄子蛋 EggPlantEgg
鍵盤 Keyboard|黄奇斌 Ki-pin Ng(茄子蛋)
吉他 Guitar|蔡鎧任 A-ren Tsai(茄子蛋)、謝耀德 A-der Hsieh(茄子蛋)
貝斯Bass|逄捷 Pang Chieh
鼓 Drums|賴俊廷 Jean Lai
鼓共同監製&錄音 Drum Co-Producer & Recording|錢煒安 Zen Chien @ 112F Recording Studio
鼓錄音助理 Drum Recording Assistant|陳祺龍 Chris Chen
混音Mixing|黃文萱 Ziya Huang @ Purring Sound Studio
特別感謝器材贊助 Special Thanks to|陳君豪 Howe Chen
藝術裝置創作團隊 Artworks Installation Team
藝術創作 Artworks|王宗欣 Cowper Wang
程式編寫 Programming|余致緯 John YU
佈展執行 Install & Dismantle|陳昱蓉 Patty Chen
美術執行 Art|葉容蓉 Rong-Rong Yeh
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:永添藝術。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: ALIEN Art.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:方序中。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: Joe Fangt.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:方序中。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: Joe Fangt.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:方序中。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: Joe Fangt.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:永添藝術。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: ALIEN Art.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:方序中。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: Joe Fangt.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:方序中。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: Joe Fangt.
茄子蛋 X 王宗欣,《我夢見了小叮噹》,2019年,多媒體互動裝置,4分05秒。《小花計畫 2022 - Re:小花盛開的回音》金馬賓館當代美術館展場畫面。 照片:方序中。 EggPlantEgg X Cowper Wang. XiaoDingDang in My Dreams. 2 019. Interactive Multimedia Installation. 4 min. 05 sec. Exhibi tion View at ALIEN Art Centre. Photo: Joe Fangt.